We are aware that each of our clients has different needs. We also know that each of our products has different parameters, therefore a specific tool will be needed in a given situation. If you have a problem with your choice, we are happy to help. Our team consists of specialists who love what they do, so they will be happy to help you choose a machine that is adequate to your needs and requirements. It is also worth remembering to use our advice when you have a dilemma which model to choose. Our specialists know the lining of machines, so they will be able to clear up all your doubts!
We often encountered a situation where a customer bought our machines and, after transporting them, called us with the question: "What next?". We are aware that our products are specialist and their installation is not the easiest. Don't worry because we offer our help in this area.
In our company, it is possible to assemble the equipment that has been purchased from us. Thanks to our help, you can be sure that it will facilitate and improve the process of preparing the device for work.
Are you interested in our products, but have no way to transport them after purchase? It's not a problem for us! We provide delivery using Raben and Rohlig Suus shipping companies. Thanks to the cooperation with these companies, you can be sure that the products purchased from us will arrive as quickly as possible and intact.
Why is this option worth using?
Raben is a company with a history - it was established in 1931 in the Dutch town of Meddo. The company can boast of twenty-two awards that it has won over the course of five years.
Rohlig Suus is a company that was founded in 1989 in Warsaw. In 2016, the company took the 3rd place in the national ranking of TSL companies, in the category: The value of revenues from the main activity - logistics. As you can see, we work with the best companies, so it's worth trusting us!
Unfortunately, there comes a point eventually where the machine starts to fail. The reasons may be different. Sometimes it is the age of the device, sometimes it is overworked, and sometimes it is mechanical damage. There are also times when the tool is fine, but we review it anyway to prevent it from breaking. In such a situation, it is worth using our services. We provide professional inspections and service of our devices. You can be sure that thanks to the help of our specialists, the machines will get their second life and you will enjoy their work. We draw your attention to the fact that the review is a very important and inseparable element ensuring the proper functionality of the equipment, so we urge you to remember it!