- computer device for quick and precise measurement of the set-up geometry
vehicle wheels and axles for passenger cars and vans - measurement carried out in the system of three-dimensional modeling of the chassis parameters, i.e.
3D technology
Device for 2D geometry testing
Device description:
- 4 active 8-sensor measuring heads
- Wireless infrared communication between the heads
- Bluetooth communication with the central unit.
- Heads with buttons for remote management
- LEDs for visualization of basic parameters
- Charging the heads' batteries after hanging them on the trolley
- PC computer, 19 ”LCD monitor, printer
Download - Nortec GEOMASTER 2D datasheet
pdf | 2.56 MB | 2663 downloads -
Download - Catalog sheet Nortec GEOMASTER 2D
pdf | 3.71 MB | 2475 downloads